Jacksonville Training Center

Build new skills and competences

Programs are targeted towards soft and technical skills through virtual training.
Programs created with the best academies, universities and first-level consultants, inspired by the company needs of having individuals capable of a global mindset.
The range of services offered to companies includes advice at all stages of the training process: diagnosis, design, implementation, delivery, and follow-up.


talent trained


training courses and programs


companies trust the Jacksonville Training Center

Holberton School Uruguay

Learn how to program in 9 months and pay after you start working.

Holberton School Uruguay is a coding school founded in Silicon Valley with 14 campuses worldwide. The school opened its doors in Uruguay in 2020. It offers a unique, successful, and scalable approach to tech education, with a methodology that is based on hands-on training, projects, peer learning, and software development.


Frontend & Backend

Machine Learning


Full-Stack Web

& Algoritms

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