Coat campaign 2023

From today until 9/5 you can help us to help.

Together with Sabre we are carrying out a shelter campaign to help several families. The receiving institutions will be the School N° 157 of Villa Garcia, Nursery Villa Prosperidad, CAIF Kalimbahue.

What items can you give?

Warm clothes and shoes for adults and children. Blankets, blankets, quilts*.

Where can I leave my help?

You can drop off items at the receptions of the following buildings:

Beta 3
Arroba 1
Arroba 3
Local 208
Club House

Thank you so much for joining us!

*All items must be in good condition.


  • Apr 24, 2023 a las 12:00 pm hasta May 09, 2023 a las 6:00 pm
  • Careers Contact us